He Knows My Pain

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Life is filled with difficult moments, and few hit us more personally and intimately than when we struggle with a severe illness or traumatic injury. Fear, doubt, anxiety, and despair strike at our hearts. Coupled with the physical pain, the times when life hurts can be overwhelming. Comfort seems unattainable, and hope’s beyond reach. We long for relief from our pain and answers for our questions. In the Discovery Series booklet Does God Want Me Well? Herb Vander Lugt writes these insightful words: “Without question, many people turn away from God because of the problem of pain. They find it hard to believe that a loving and all-powerful God would permit good people to suffer the way they do. On the other hand, thousands have testified that it was during a time of deep sorrow or intense anguish that they found God more real and precious than ever before.” God can use sickness in the lives of His children to make them wiser and better people. He knows our pain.

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Width 3.375 Inches
Height 6.125 Inches
Weight 20 g
Language English
Pages 1
ISBN/ISSN 978971-738-158-9
Binding Folded
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