Mary & Martha: Balancing Life's Priorities

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Alice Matthews uses the experiences of her life and heart to bring fresh perspective to the Word of God. She has been a missionary, pastor's wife, motheer, and grandmother. Now with an earned doctorate, she's a chaired Professor at Gordon Conwell Seminary. It takes a busy woman to understand the heart of Martha, a busy, overworked woman in the New Testament. It also takes a reflective woman who loves to learn at the feet of her Lord to understand the heart of Martha's sister, Mary. I believe Alice is just such a woman. And she shares her insights about Mary and Martha in the following pages. -Martin R. De Haan II
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Width 5.75 Inches
Height 8.25 Inches
Weight 100 g
Language English
Pages 44
ISBN/ISSN 978971-738-121-3
Binding Saddle Stitch
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