VIew From The Valley

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In the 23rd Psalm, David beautifully expressed the sor- row and comfort that join hands with us in times of grief and loss. He wrote: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. —Psalm 23:4 All of us will spend time in “the valley of the shadow.” When a loved one is taken in death, we may struggle with regret, anger, and a deep sorrow we cannot give words to. We need not endure these intense struggles alone. David showed us how to face the valley’s shadow. In pain, he reached out to the God of heaven in words that still resound with our cry to the Shepherd of our own hearts today: “You are with me.” We cannot escape the grief of the valley or the ache of the shadow. But we do have a Helper to walk with us through the pain. In your time of loss and grief, we extend to you the care of that Helper.
More Information
Width 3.375 Inches
Height 6.125 Inches
Weight 20 g
Language English
Pages 1
ISBN/ISSN 978971-738-156-5
Binding Folded
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